March 16, 2018

What to Know Before Coloring Your Hair

Women of color have beautiful, natural hair, but as a beauty school in Chicago, we’ve seen some major mistakes when it comes to hair dyeing. If you’re looking to change your natural hair color, here are some things to keep in mind before you do so.

Slow & Steady

When hair dyeing is done well, curls will stay intact. Don’t rush through the process to ensure your curls can keep their natural shape. Keep in mind that the more drastic the change, the more likely it is that your curls loosen.

Use At-Home Dye if You Want a One-Dimensional Hue

But make sure you buy multiple boxes. The last thing you want is partial coverage while going through the entire process. Gel and liquid formulas usually work the best.

If You Want to Lighten Your Hair, Visit the Salon

It’s often difficult to achieve the light, multi-dimensional hair you want at home. Everyone’s hair is different, but generally speaking, it’s in your best interest to visit the salon when trying to go lighter. This is something you will learn early on in our Chicago beauty school.

Don’t Shampoo Before Coloring

The natural oils act as a perfect buffer between your scalp and the chemical you’re applying. Skipping the shampoo at least one day before you color will give you the best results.

Deep-Condition Whenever Possible

Try to do this at least once a week. Investing in hair oils and wrapping your hair in plastic wrap after applying conditioner will help your hair in the long run as well.

If you have questions about how to properly dye your hair, our Chicago beauty school can help.

Courtesy of: Cosmopolitan

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