January 25, 2017

How To Succeed At Beauty School In Chicago

The number of hours you are required to take differs on state, however, most states require around 1,500 hours to become a licensed cosmetologist. 1,500 hours is a lot of time you are dedicating towards beauty school. The more you prepare during your studies, the better chances you have of succeeding post graduation. We have compiled a list of tips to help you succeed at beauty school in Chicago and have a strong likelihood of passing your final exam so you can get one step closer to your dream career.

Study Hard

Studying hard may seem like a no-brainer. In order to be successful in beauty school, you have to put in the time and effort by studying. Even if you are very passionate about beauty or have a strong background in a class, you still need to put forth the time and effort. This means doing the assigned readings, class activities, and other coursework. Additionally, you need to be smart with how you study. Beauty school in Chicago is fast-paced, so it is important that you prioritize your time so you don’t fall behind. Don’t spend all of your time on your favorite subjects, prioritize the subjects you find the most difficult. Even if you are planning to specialize in a certain area, you will still need to be an expert in all areas for the license exam.

It’s All In The Timing

The state board exam is usually timed, so you will want to work on being able to answer questions in the appropriate timeframe. When you study, use a timer and practice. Make sure when you are preparing you are blocking out time in your busy schedule to study for each subject of the exam. Give yourself more time to study that are more difficult for you.

Take Advantage Of All Opportunities

During beauty school in Chicago, a lot of opportunities will be passed your way. From fashion shows, conferences, interning or working as a model in a salon, take advantage of as many of the opportunities as you can. Try out opportunities that you may not typically be interested in, they can help to build your professional network and you may even find that you have interests in other areas.

Get started today at Ms. Roberts Academy with a discovery day!

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