August 24, 2017

Continuing Cosmetology Education

It is a little-known fact to those who are planning to attend beauty school in Chicago, that it is required to renew a cosmetology license. Cosmetologists who are licensed in Illinois are required to complete 14 CEU hours every 2 years to maintain licensure. Are you looking for a beauty school in Chicago that offers continuing cosmetology education courses? Ms. Roberts Academy has you covered!

What To Expect When Continuing Education

At Ms. Roberts Academy we offer continuing education courses to all certified cosmetologists that wish to renew their licenses and want to stay ahead in the beauty business. Our beauty school in Chicago differs from others because we are able to offer students a talented team of educators, an impressive track record for industry placement, and state-of-the-art facilities.

Why You Should Renew Your License

Cosmetologists have the opportunity to follow their passion and also help individuals look and feel their best. Cosmetologists that are great at what they do receive gratification from helping people feel great about themselves on a daily basis. When you find a career you truly are passionate about, you can make a great impact. In the state of Illinois, in order to continue the great work you are doing, it’s required that you complete 14 CEU hours every 2 years. Continuing education helps you keep up with new techniques and brush up on your skills to continue to better serve your clientele.

Beauty School Chicago

Are you ready to get started on your 14 continuing education hours? Contact your local beauty school in Chicago to get started. Call Ms. Roberts Academy today with any questions you may have or to schedule a tour (708) 6490-9088.

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